Mozambique: 13 make it to Moz Slam Spoken Word Poetry finals in Maputo
File photo: Noticias
The Franco-Moçambicano Cultural Centre (CCFM) celebrates 30 years of existence in July and will present, throughout 2025, multidisciplinary events to express its trajectory in artistic promotion in the country and in dialogue with French-speaking countries.
The three decades of the CCFM will also be celebrated in the context of the 50th anniversary of national independence, thus incorporating shows and exhibitions on the contemporary history of Mozambique.
The annual agenda also includes technical training in audio-visual technique, artistic residencies, professional mobility initiatives and heritage restoration on the Island of Mozambique, Nampula, coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC).
According to CCFM director José Queirós, one of the organization’s main objectives this year is to give visibility to artists from the central and northern provinces, who have so far not collaborated much with the CCFM, which is located in Maputo.
“As part of the 30th anniversary celebration, one of the main points is to coordinate and present works by cultural producers from the country’s provinces, in addition to those from the capital, as has previously been the custom,” he said. Queirós said that the ‘Franco-Moçambicano’ and Mozambique independence anniversaries would be celebrated with the presence of artists from the other Portuguese colonies which achieved freedom in the same year.
“The celebration is also celebrated by Portuguese-speaking African countries, which gained independence in the same year. Therefore, CCFM counts on artists from these countries to help celebrate this historic moment,” he said. Opened in 1995 in the ruins of the old 1896 Hotel Clube, the Franco-Moçambicano Cultural Centre provides and encourages collaboration, cooperation and exchange between the two countries.
Its main vocation is the promotion and appreciation of contemporary Mozambican culture
and the dissemination of Francophone cultures and the French language, under the management of the national Ministry of Education and Culture and the French Embassy in Mozambique.
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